Rating: Buy 🍷 2018 Elephant in the Room Pinot Noir from

6/16/2021, 10:07:28 AM
Rating: Buy 🍷 2018 Elephant in the Room Pinot Noir from Fourth Wave Wines. The best Pinot I have ever had under $20...yes I'm calling it. Normally I only seem to like expensive Pinots and I usually feel a lot of them are overpriced for what they deliver. But this is $14, YES FOURTEEN DOLLARS. So before I go on, lets go back to the taste and forgetting the price for a moment. Its dark, nice on the nose and has an expressive taste (but what does expressive mean? I don't know, but it was the best word I could think of. I want to say interesting but it a good way) Either way it is very easy to drink. Its very good start to a long night of tasting. Now if you asked me the price & what it was worth I would say $25. So when I heard it was $14, I was shocked. I had to have another sip and another sip and keep on thinking [email protected] #t I wasted a lot of money on average pinot's. Wow, $14. . Is it the best Pinot your going to have? No, but its not trying to be and that is what I like about. This is a great midweek wine or a wine you take to the beach or a park, where your happy to be with friends. It's a wine you don't have to worry about. This is a very good, easy drinking pinot that's not ripping you off. Actually they could sell it for $20 and I'd still be happy. . Not a paid review, a good friend of mine bought it and said, "they love it" I can understand why...simple... #wine #pinot #pinotnoir #easydrink #midweekmotivation #sundaydrinks #cheapbutgood #elephants #elephant #elephantintheroom #mtgambier #southaustralia #aussiewine #2018 #2018wine #lovewine #lovewine e🍷 #cheers #winelifestyle #winelife #winelibrary #simple #simplewinereviews #bargin #cheapwine #label #drinkingwine #fourthwavewines #fourthwavewine

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