New Rating & Scoring system for @winereview _simple Wines

8/7/2021, 11:20:20 AM
New Rating & Scoring system for @winereview _simple Wines will be scored out of 20 and then given a grade of A+ to C- (just like school) with A+ being exceptional down to C being 10 out of 20. A C- (9 out of 10) is classed as very close or at least with a try (maybe it was so cheap with is worth a post) Any wine under C- will not be posted. Wines will be given a score based on Taste & Quality, Value for Money and a category of Wine Factor. Taste and Quality gets the most points of 10. Of course taste and quality is the most important factor and overall includes everything I’ve listed in the photo. . #wine #grade #schoolgrades #aussiewine #australianwine #youcansipwithus #🍷 #winefoto #winecritic #redwine #whitewine #champagne #picofwine #danmurphys #bws #winefact #winetasting #winetime #winestagram #scoringwines #winery #aus #auswine #lovingwine #needmorewine #searching #wineslushies #winereviews

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